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We May All Be Called Soon For A Vaccine Against Ageing!

What would you give if someone did the magic and you suddenly remained at your current age forever? I bet you will give it all you got, right? No one wants to grow old and some have gone to extremes in a bid to remain young. While some have resulted to plastic surgery to battle the wrinkles that come with the years, others have tried different medical alternatives like liposuctions and Botox. Sorry to bust your bubble, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, a story for another day.

One Brooke Greenberg defied all odds to never proceed beyond the toddler’s stage. Brooke, a 20 year old who passed away last Thursday had the body and cognitive function of a one year old. She didn’t grow after age 5 and crazy as it may seem, she entirely stopped ageing. This baffling development has led scientists into a bizarre rush to unlock the secrets of longevity and fight age related disorders.

Brooke may have been the only person in the world suffering from a mysterious genetic disease that her doctors called the Syndrome X. Her growth was erratic in the womb. One month she would be fine, another she would just stop and play catch-up”, Brooke’s mother, Melanie, told NBC DATELINE. She was born a month prematurely, only weighing 4 pounds. During her first year, Brooke’s parents thought she would grow and have a normal life.

However, she suffered a number of medical emergencies including perforated stomach ulcers, a seizure and a stroke. Above all, she stopped growing. Even after visiting many specialists, none could diagnose any chromosomal or endocrine abnormalities.

Throughout her surprisingly short and long life, she was cherished and showered with affection. She craved being cuddled and tickled. The Greenberg’s say she developed a strong identity and a rebellious streak. When her younger sister, Carly, was born, she became jealous, like any other child would be. Despite the insurmountable challenges the family faced over the years, their devotion never wavered. Her father called her ‘his angel’.

Through stem cells taken from Brooke’s skin, scientists can continue to study special genes and other biological factors they identified. Brooke’s contribution to human well-being ultimately could be a reduction in the overall disease burden-a rare gift to modern medicine and humanity. Who knows, we may all be called soon for a vaccine against ageing! Rest in peace Brooke.

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